Objektif pertandingan ini adalah untuk mempromosi kaedah pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah berdasarkan sukatan pelajaran. Ia juga merupakan platform kepada peserta untuk mengaplikasi pengetahuan Sains mengikut kreativiti sendiri disamping menghubungkait Sains dalam kehidupan seharian. Ini adalah untuk memupuk dan menyemarakkan minat pelajar terhadap Sains dan Teknologi.
- This competition is open to all schools in Malaysia.
- This competition is divided into 2 categories:
- lower secondary category : open to students of form 1, 2 & 3 only.
- higher secondary category: open to students of form 4 & 5 only.
- Participation is by teams, comprising of 2 students and one teacher.
- The maximum participation is 3 teams for each category, from each school.
- The presentation must adhere to the science education syllabus (physics/chemistry/etc.) of Malaysian schools.
- The presentation script should be prepared either in Bahasa Melayu or English.
- The presentation script should be of original work. It should be typed out in the following format: FONT: ARIAL
SIZE: 12
SPACING: DOUBLE SPACING - The Science Show duration must not exceed 20 minutes.
- The show’s script theme should be based on Science concepts. Participants are advised to notcombine several Science topics in one presentation, for evaluation purposes.
- Participants are not allowed to include sensitive issues such as religions, race, politics and sex in the presentation.
- Participants should wear clothing that is neat, decent and appropriate. The wearing of costumes is subject to the creativity of each team and should not disrupt the presentation’s flow.
- Equipment/Experiment, etc.: Participants are not encouraged to conduct experiments and use materials/instruments that are dangerous and compromise safety.
- Priority will be given to teams that utilise used-materials resources or practice the 3R Concept.
- All applications sent are deemed as belonging to or the property of Petrosains including any intellectual ownership concerned.
15. Borang penyertaan hendaklah dihantar ke Cikgu Wong Hee Ting sebelum 1 Mac 2011(selasa).
16. Keputusan hakim adalah muktamad.
17. Maklumat lanjut sila melayari http://petrosains.com.my/scienceshowcompetition/
18. Setiap persembahan akan dinilai berdasarkan kriteria berikut:
Kriteria | Markah |
Hasil karya / skrip | 10% |
Persembahan | 25% |
Bahasa dan penyampaian | 15% |
Unsur sains | 40% |
Peralatan dan kesan khas (audio / visual) | 10% |
Jumlah keseluruhan | 100% |
17. Hadiahnya:
Johan | Naib Johan | Ketiga |
Baucar bernilai RM 20.00 Sijil Pencapaian ** Mewakili sekolah ke bahagian Kuching | Baucar bernilai RM 15.00 Sijil Pencapaian ** Mewakili sekolah ke bahagian Kuching | Baucar bernilai RM 10.00 Sijil Pencapaian ** Mewakili sekolah ke bahagian Kuching |
* Semua peserta lain akan menerima sijil penyertaan. |

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